On your marks, get set, box!
When it comes to cardio running is the go-to for many everyday athletes looking for a full body workout, and that includes boxers. You only need to look at any boxer’s training schedule to see running plays a big part in keeping them fighting fit. “Road work” as you will here our pro’s call it on Thursday Run Club builds endurance, strengthens glutes and improves respiratory function (basically – helping you to breathe better)
So, yep boxers 100% benefit from running. Though runners, listen up. Adding boxing to your training could be a total game-changer for your fitness. Whether you’ve got a race coming up or want to increase your mileage, boxing can help you improve, sustain and enjoy your runs. Here’s a few good reasons to add a few boxing classes to your weekly workouts.
Boxing improves footwork
‘Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee’
Boxing heavily relies on the quality of your footwork, moving smoothly and quickly elevates your style to another level. Footwork can be improved through sparring and shadow work which doesn’t require an opponent. If you ever see a boxer punching the air – they are not fighting an imaginary friend. This playful cardio workout actually goes towards making boxers some of the fittest athletes in the world.
Our trainers encourage beginner boxers to take a couple of boxing tech classes a month to focus on your footwork. If you are a runner you will feel the benefits when you are on the road, with lighter lands, less injuries and easier run days.
Mental Endurance
“A champion is someone who gets up when they can’t”
Boxing has a unique power to train multiple energy systems, this motivates that ‘get up and keep going’ spirit boxers need to tap into during fights. A spirit runners rely on, when you have started to tire and have a few more miles or even steps ahead – boxing trains that resilience and determination you need to finish every race. Boxing builds confidence and mental strength – reminding you how strong you are in and out of the ring.
And don’t you forget it, baby.
Core stability
‘Graft hard, plank harder’
Many boxing classes will involve training for your core, so be prepared to work those abs. Our Burn, Baby, Go Wild and Test Your Strength classes involve your fair share of core work. It is tough, though you will thank yourself for later. Especially on your next run, core stability supports your whole body improving your strength which is essential to keeping you running strong and preventing injuries. Just like every boxer likes staying in the ring, every runner likes staying in the race.
Perfect cross training
‘Put in the work, the rest takes care of itself’
While running might be your favourite way to train, cross training is essential to maintain your overall fitness. This includes strength work, stretching and form – our Boxbaby classes support you to elevate every aspect of your fitness. With a good mix of cardio classes, strength classes supplemented with tech and a few Yoga Boxbaby’s you will be all set clocking up those miles. Looking for company on the road or motivation to get started? Join our Thursday Run Club which takes place at 6.30am and 6.30pm to suit the early risers and evening champs. You can sign up for our next run here, expect a slow and steady 5k with plenty of tips and banter from the team.
That’s a wrap
Speaking of which, if you’re thinking about switching your trainers for a pair of boxing gloves every week – you can find everything you need in our online store or at the gym. We provide gloves for every class and boxing wraps can be purchased for £5 – never wrapped before? No sweat, that’s what our trainers are here for – to keep you supported through every jab of your boxing journey.
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